Sunday, 18 November 2018

Skoolie Research - Youtubers

Rolling Vistas 3

Navigation Nowhere 2

Love Always Adventure Often 1

Roll With It 7

Simply Us Vlog 2

Life In A Bus 1

The Voyager Project 4

The Free Birds RV 1

Todd Palmer 1

Chasing Sunshine 1

Heater removal....

Skoolie Research - Demolition: Heater Removal / Alterations

Before we look at any heater removals I thought I would add in some information about engine coolant just so people know what they are dealing with and what to look for when draining the fluid before removing the heaters.


I've added two of ChrisFix's videos here, the first is about testing the coolant to see if it needs to be changed while the second one is about flushing the system, safe disposal of the old coolant and refilling the coolant. If you only have the time to watch one I recommend the second one. 

Tips from this video

  • You may be able to drain all the coolant from the radiator before working on the heaters making it easier to remove the heater and pipes.

Heater Removal

Rolling Vistas

Rolling Vistas has a seven-step video on how they removed their heaters. 

Bussy McBussface


Skoolie Research - Demolition: Walls & Windows

Roll With It

Interior panels & Insulation Removal | bus conversion vlog

I figured its best to continue on here with Roll With It's conversion. Again the rivets are causing a problem during removal but the wall panels seem to be easier than the roof. 


SKOOLIE- SCHOOL BUS CONVERSION!!! Wall/Insulation Removal!

Chasing Sunshine

Removing Bus Wall Panels & Grinding Rust | Ep 4 | Skoolie Canada

Roll With It

Window Removal & Sheet Metal Prep vlog

In this vlog Roll With It is removing there windows in preparation to sheet metal over some of the windows along with adding RV windows. 

Skoolie Research - Demolition: Ceiling

As Navigation Nowhere mentioned at the start of the Demolition chapter, having a bus with screws is a lot easier than a bus with rivets. For this reason, I have added videos of both, along with a video on how you can make it less painless to remove rivets. 

Contributing Youtubers

  1. The Free Birds RV
  2. Todd Palmer
  3. Roll With It


The Free Birds RV

REMOVING BUS CEILING: Skoolie Bus Conversion


Todd Palmer

BS Bus Works school bus/skoolie ceiling panel/rivet removal under 5 minutes

Roll With It

Bus CONVERSION vlog Ceiling Removal

In this vlog by Roll With It we get to see the extra effort it takes if the roof has pot rivets instead of screws.

NEXT (Walls & Windows)

BACK (Floor & Rust)


Donate to our cause

We have launched a Go Fund Me page if you find our research helps you can make a small donation by Clicking Here. If we reach our goal of buying a bus with the help of go fund me we are going to pass the bus on at the end of our two years in North America. I'll post more information about this later, but people who donate will likely have the first chance at entering the draw to win our Skoolie.  

Skoolie Research - Demolition: Floor + Rust Removal

Roll With It

Bus Conversion vlog Floor Removal

The first video here by Roll With It has minimal to no rust problems so you get a good look at how removing the floor should go (There is a whole series below on rust problems). 

Tips from this video

  • Use circular saw to rip up floor quicker, also larger crowbar for nails


Rolling Vistas

Rolling Vistas give a quick guide on how to deal with minor floor rust and protect your skoolie from future rust problems.

The Voyager Project

I've added in a whole series of videos from The Voyager Project on how they dealt with some pretty series rust. If you have already ripped up your floor and have no rust major rust issues than you can skip these for now and watch later on. 

Skoolie Research - Demolition: Seat Removal

After watching a few videos, step one in the demolition phase of most conversions is to remove the seats. I've found three videos that help show different ways this can go down.

Roll With It

Bus CONVERSION vlog Seat Removal

 In this video Roll With It have one of the smartest methods I've seen where they get under the bus to help remove bolts.

Simply Us Vlog

SKOOLIE- SCHOOL BUS CONVERSION!!! Removing our bus seats!

This video by Simply Us Vlog shows how a grinder can be used to remove rusted or fused bolts. 

Tips from this video

  • Start removing from the back so you can get the seats outside straight away and free up room in the bus.
  • A heater may be attached underneath a seat, making it more difficult to remove.

Life In A Bus

Bus Conversion Ep 2 - Seat Removal/Rust Problems

I added this video in by Life in A Bus because of the rust damage you can see during the seat removal. 

Skoolie Research - Picking A Bus

Rolling Vistas

 All About Bus Length

This video by Rolling Vistas is probably the best place to start if you don't already have a bus length picked out already. It goes over the pros and cons provided by people who currently live in different length buses.

Navigation Nowhere

School Bus Buying Guide: How to Buy a Bus For Your Bus Conversion

Similar to the previous video Navigation Nowhere touches on bus length but also goes into some good detail about looking for rust problems.


How To Pick The Right School Bus For Your Skoolie Conversion

Again this video explains on the last video; especially in regards to rust and mechanical issues. They also have a check-list that you can use so you don't miss out on anything important when buying your first bus.

Skoolie Research - Demolition

Demolition Time

This series of videos are all about ripping out the interior - just to remind us all of what we are getting ourselves into. I've broken this section up into the following categories:
Before you jump ahead I recommend watching this video by Navigation Nowhere. It's a very quick overview for fully gutting a bus. While not everyone will have the time or space to fully rip apart their bus it is worth watching. 

Navigation Nowhere

Bus Conversion: Gutting the Interior

A couple of tips worth taking note of:
  • Better to have a bus held together by screws instead of rivets
  • Label wires as you remove lights and speaks so you know what they were for when you start building

Next (Seat Removal)

Back (Picking A Bus)

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Planning Ahead - Skoolie Research YouTube

Almost immediately after we got approved for our visa I have been trying to search the internet for information on converting a school bus. I've put together this post of resources I've found to help anyone else starting out and so I can go back and rewatch the videos I have found the most informative. I've stuck to youtube videos only for this feed, the majority have been Skoolie conversion videos.

Also, we have been looking for videos on A/C removal and/or alterations but have yet to find anything informative with step by step removal. So if you have any videos or know of any comment below and we can add them into the feed.

There is also a YouTuber section at the bottom if you want to follow anyone's social media channels. Also If anyone wants their videos added or removed feel free to get in touch at 

  1. Picking A Bus
  2. Demolition
    1. Seats 
    2. Floor + Rusted Floor
    3. Ceiling 
    4. Walls & Windows
    5. Heater Removal / Alterations
    6. Air Con Removal / Alterations (Pending)
  3. Build (Coming Soon)
    1. External
      1. Walls & Windows
      2. Roof
      3. Painting
      4. Roof Rack / Deck
      5. Understorage
      6. Sky Lights / Man Wholes
    2. Electrical
      1. Batteries
      2. Wiring
      3. Solar
      4. Alternator / Split Charge Relay
      5. Shore Power
      6. Reverse Camera
      7. Lighting
        1. Internal
        2. External
      8. Speaker
    3. Plumbing

    4. Gas
    5. Air
    6. Insulation
    7. Internal
      1. Frame Work

      2. Fixtures
        1. Lounge / Bed
  4. YouTubers Accounts

Videos We are looking to Add....

Practical Motorhomes

Practical Motorhome advice – keeping cool part 1


Practical Motorhomes

Air suspension – expert advice from Practical Motorhome's Diamond Dave


Practical Motorhomes

Refillable gas cylinders – expert advice from Practical Motorhome's Diamond Dave

Gilligan Phantom

Wheel Well Covers and Engine Bay Insulation: School Bus Conversion Ep 13

Gilligan Phantom

School Bus Conversion Ep 20: Commercial Spray Foam Installation

Gilligan Phantom

Trimming Spray Foam: Bus Conversion

Skylight / man hole

Gilligan Phantom

Replacing School Bus Emergency Hatch With a Boat Hatch: School Bus Conversion Ep 8

How to Replace your Emergency Hatch with a Boat Hatch: School Bus Conversion Ep 12


Gilligan Phantom

Birch Plywood Skoolie Ceiling: Bus Conversion

Gilligan Phantom

Birch Ceiling Details and Nathan Joins the Crew: School Bus Conversion

2nd Ceiling Update: Trimming Insulation and Our Failed Attempt at Recycling Old Bus Materials

Completed Tongue and Groove Pine Ceiling in our School Bus

Gilligan Phantom

How We Installed Our Ceiling Furring Strips: School Bus Conversion Ep 7


Gilligan Phantom

From Windows to Walls: School Bus Conversion

internal paint

The Voyager Project

School Bus Conversion | PAINTING INTERIOR



The Voyager Project

PROGRESS #17 | School Bus Conversion | COUCH BED DESIGN BUILD